Well Child Tamariki Ora
B4 School Check
The B4Schoolcheck (B4SC) is the 8th and final free wellchild health and development check offered to all children between the ages of 4-5 years. In South Canterbury this check is delivered by Public Health Nurses at an agreed venue and is offered in Timaru and all outlying areas in South Canterbury.
- The B4SC is a nationwide Ministry of Health Programme to ensure children are prepared for school.
- The purpose of the B4SC is to promote health and well-being in pre-school children and identify behavioural, developmental or other health concerns that may adversely affect the child’s ability to learn in the school environment.
- Fulfilling this purpose ensures that children start school able to participate to the best of their ability.
The B4SC covers child health, development and behaviours. Consisting of:
Public Health Nursing
18 Woolcombe Street
Timaru 7910
Contact Information
B4SC administrator: 03 687 2319
Vision and Hearing Technician: 03 687 2327
Public Health Nursing: 03 687 2320
Referral Information
Referrals are accepted from GP’s, Plunket, Paediatrician, CYFS, Early Childhood Centres, Self, or other Names of children are supplied from a national database from the Ministry of Health. Any enquiries regarding the B4SC programme please contact the B4SC administrator mentioned above on 03 687 2319
Key Health Professionals
Public Health Nurses