Immunisation Services

School Based Immunisation, Immunisation Outreach, Immunisation Co-ordinator.

Immunisation is a very important part of disease prevention in the community, protecting not only individuals, but also the entire population through “herd immunity” and is very important for protecting the vulnerable within our community.

Immunisation is a safe and effective way of providing protection against diseases including Tetanus, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Haemophilus Influenzae type B, Cervical Cancer, Pneumococcal Disease and Polio (vaccines funded for all children in NZ). Influenza, Chicken Pox (funded for all eligible children from July 2017) , Meningococcal C, and other vaccines required for travel are also available for purchase or free for some high risk groups. Te Whatu Ora South Canterbury also separately funds Whooping Cough vaccination (DTaP) for parents and other individuals involved in the day to day care of under 1yr olds.


Our Immunisation Team provide the following services"

  • HPV vaccination at school for year 8 students (girls only up until the end of 2016 and boys included from 2017). This service is provided through the Public Health Nurses.
  • Outreach Immunisation service. This service supplies support for families who have not been able to immunise their children on time, and involves helping make appointments, transportation, giving advice/information, or providing immunisations at home or another location of choice.
  • Immunisation Co-ordination Service. The co-ordinators are available to support GP Practices/nurses/midwives with advice, overseas immunisations, catch-ups, up to date information, Cold Chain Accreditation, education as requested. The co-ordinators are also available to talk with parents/individuals, groups etc around Immunisation as required.
  • BCG clinics for eligible babies/children.
  • National Immunisation Register queries.

Community Health Hub
Talbot Park 
156 Otipua Road

Contact information

Immunisation Outreach/Co-ordinators 03 687 2435
Public Health Nurses 03 687 2320
National Immunisation Register (NIR) 03 687 2317
For Public Enquiries on Immunisation please phone 0800 IMMUNE

Referral information

Referrals are generally made by Practice Nurses or Midwives. Individuals are also able to refer themselves if they require BCG or Outreach Services